
Expanded Notation Masters
The following links are for one of two sets of expanded notation cards. Run the masters off on card stock, and with a little time at a paper cutter, you will have sets for use in the classroom. These are used when counting very large collections of objects like 'pop tabs,' or in conjunction with place value dice. The use of the cards (and dice) reinforce the full values within each place, how numbers are composed and decomposed by place, as well as to reinforce the social conventions of writing a multi-digit number.
Expanded Notation Cards: Large Size, 0-9000
Expanded Notation Cards: Table Size, 0-100,000
Subitizing Cards
The two links below will take you to this Project's Google Slide decks and the source material found at the Department of Education and Training, Victoria State Government in Australia. Some of the best subiziting cards (They spell subitising with an 's') and ten-frame masters that you can find are at this Australian site. These cards begin at the simplest standard dice patterns to fairly sophisticated images. They are quite useful to use selectively in the upper grades as well as younger grades. I have been creating slide decks around multiplication ideas. Those are found in the Project's link.
While you are at the Australian website, scroll up and down for additional resource materials that you may find useful.